I sing to the Lil
lies and they sing back. This is my chorus-everyone really belts it out. We live in hot pursuit of a beautiful day and plenty of water. I even sing to my tomato plants. And I sang to 4 acres of Hemp CBD plants- they roared back approval. Who knows when even trees have been sung to and talked to as if we were eternally thankful for their existence.?
I think I have been molded by a previous world with parents who had no time for foolishness and talking to plants, it was an easy way to be called an outrageous name. I only learned this when I broke my left ankle (2018) and had a cast on. Swinging in the backyard attached to a huge Cottonwood Tree. As I laid down and looked up from the swing I noticed the Cottonwood Tree had a face in a yoke of limbs and it was smiling at me. So I began to talk to it- saying- Thankyou Oh Great Cottonwood for holding me up and letting me heal in your strength given to me. It became a regular deal, I loved it. The tree never smiled more it just stayed the same- but I smiled, and said I love you, Thanks.
After walking this afternoon the entire parameter of our farm - I reviewed my feelings, I could talk to all the plants, and realized I was just talking to myself -now. Of course, now, everything is dead or going through a metamorphosis. I was still willing to jabber and rethink it all as I walked. I think we have limited ourselves considerably because we are now living in times when nobody has that kind of time or mind- to talk to plants and flowers". The cycles of life are constantly turning-sometimes even skipping a bit but hitting on all fours and back in the gruve. I feel so rich just to include all this in my thinking-let it be an act of faith, of feeling free to think and let it be free. To have the time to think- that is taken for granted but to not have time to consider all we might be missing as help is real. It is what is happening now.